Tag Archives: nookietown


Nookietown Book Cover Nookietown
V.C. Chickering
February 23, 2016

A funny, emotional and at times racy novel about a service connecting married men (with their wives' consent!) and divorced women.



My first instinct was to give “Nookietown” two stars, but then I reconsidered because there is a strong possibility that this is a case of “it’s not you, it’s me” book syndrome.

I requested it because the plot seemed like a fun and easy read.  It was an easy read in the traditional sense of the phrase, but I despised the characters so much that I found myself dreading trying to finish it.  There was also quite a bit of suspension-of-disbelief required, which is to be expected in a book about husband swapping, but it went way beyond what was to be expected.

That being said, I really do think quite a few people will enjoy “Nookietown” and find it the perfect summer beach read.  Don’t pass on it just because of my review if the premise sounds interesting to you.

This review is based upon a complimentary copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.


Content Warning:

As this is an adult book, there are no content warnings.