Tag Archives: best books ever

Morning Star (Red Rising Book 3)

Morning Star Book Cover Morning Star
Red Rising, Book 3
Pierce Brown
Del Rey Books
January 5, 2016

"Born a lowly Red in the mines of Mars, Darrow lost his beloved wife to the treacherous Gold overlords. Vowing to fight for the future that his wife believed in, Darrow joins a secret revolutionary group and is remade into a Gold so that he can infiltrate the ruling class and bring them down from the inside. Now, after years of hiding amongst the Golds, Darrow is finally ready to declare open revolution and throw off the chains of oppression. Nothing in Darrow's world has been easily won, and this final fight will be the most harrowing of all"--



Mr. Brown, if you’re reading this, please know that there is an intense need to see Dylan O’Brien play The Jackal.

I’m serious.  If he can’t be in the actual movie please try to film a home video or something.  I’m ok with shaky cam.  Snap chat.  Instagram.  I know you have a bunch of Teen Wolf cast friends who also love your books.  Give me my fix, man.

The only other things I can say are perfect ending to a perfect trilogy.  Also, I’m really glad we don’t have to leave this world behind.  How many days now until “Iron Rain” is released?