Comics & Graphic Novels
Ten Speed Press

A complete, illustrated history of video games--highlighting the machines, games, and people who have made gaming a worldwide, billion dollar industry/artform--told in a graphic novel format. Author Jonathan Hennessey and illustrator Jack McGowan present the first full-color, chronological origin story for this hugely successful, omnipresent artform and business. Hennessey provides readers with everything they need to know about video games--from their early beginnings during World War II to the emergence of arcade games in the 1970s to the rise of Nintendo to today's app-based games like Angry Birds and Pokemon Go. Hennessey and McGowan also analyze the evolution of gaming as an artform and its impact on society. Each chapter features spotlights on major players in the development of games and gaming that contains everything that gamers and non-gamers alike need to understand and appreciate this incredible phenomenon.
“The Comic Book Story of Video Games” is definitely not light reading, but it is entertaining and full of information. I believe I learned something new on almost every page. This is perfect for kids interested in engineering and technology, as well as adults. It could also fit easily into a STEM curriculum. Highly recommended for all of us video game nerds out there!
This unbiased review is based upon a complimentary copy provided by the publisher.